Want to learn more about the lifecycle library? Check out the Google I/O talks introducing the library: Architecture Components I/O 2017 Lifecycles Library I/O 2017 Note these talks go far beyond what we cover in the lesson and into the topics of lesson 5 and lesson 6. For just an introduction to using Lifecycle, LifecycleOwner and Lifecycle observation, check out the Handling Lifecycles with Lifecycle-Aware Components Documentation Now it’s your turn to complete this exercise yourself. You're going to use Lifecycle Observation to start and stop the timer. 1. Make DessertTimer a LifecycleObserver: In order to achieve this, DessertTimer should implement a LifecycleObserver, take in a Lifecycle as a parameter and establish observer relationship in init block. class DessertTimer ( lifecycle : Lifecycle ) : LifecycleObserver { init { lifecycle . addObserver ( this ) } } 2. Annotate startTimer and stopTimer with @OnLifecycleEvent a...