
Showing posts from October, 2023

Parcel and Parcelables

 In Android, parceling is a way of sharing objects between different processes by flattering an object into a String of data called parcel.  A complex object can be stored into the parcel and then recreated from the parcel by implementing the parcelable interface and then become parcelable objects Each value in the object is written in sequence to the parcel The object is recreated by reading data from the parcel in the same order it was written to populate data in a new object.  Using a arcel to share an object between processes, is functionally similar to using XML or JSON to share data between web services and clients. A bundle is a parcelable object that contains a key value store of parcelable objects . We use bundles as the argument property in fragments, primarly because of the way that Android lifecycle works. Activities will be destroyed with a SaveInstanceState if the app is killed when running in the background.  All of the information in the SaveInst...

Kotlin Coroutines Adapter

  Kotlin Coroutines Adapter

Moshi Library

  Moshi - A Modern JSON Library for Kotlin and Java Retrofit MoshiConverterFactory


  Reference documentation Permissions overview Request App Permissions App permissions best practices Define a Custom App Permission

Connect to the Network

  Connect to the Network