Summary of Lifecycle State and Activity Lifecycle You've learned a lot of new terms and received advice on how to use Activity Lifecycle states. This is summarized below: General Definitions Visible Lifecycle: The part of the Lifecycle between onStart and onStop when the Activity is visible. Focus: An Activity is said to have focus when it's the activity the user can interact with. Foreground: When the activity is on screen. Background: When the activity is fully off screen, it is considered in the background. Lifecycle States These are the same for both the Fragment Lifecycle and the Activity Lifecycle. Initialized: This is the starting state whenever you make a new activity. This is a transient state -- it immediately goes to Created. Created: Activity has just been created, but it’s not visible and it doesn’t have focus (you’re not able to interact with it). Started: Activity is visible but doesn’t have focus. Resumed: The state ...
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